Authentic Marketing Strategy + Implementation + Accountability
So you can build, create and leave your GENIUS MARK on the world.
Hi, i'm Rubina Cohen and I am proud to announce the launch of the next 13 week group program, GeniusMARK™. This is an in-depth marketing coaching and accountability program designed to assist you in unleashing your GENIUS work in the world that creates greater impact and income.
$3,333.00 | 13 Week Program
Registration closes July 17
I'm ready to share my
GENIUS with the World.
How it works:
We utilize the Firefly Principles as our marketing strategy framework and then build out detailed actions plans. Next, we drop in accountability, training, and templates to provide the most well-rounded and feasible marketing coaching program available for our clients.
1. GeniusLABS -
WEEKLY MARKETING TRAININGS & ACCOUNTABILITY CALLS (1.5 hours) Every week we have marketing labs where we work on developing, implementing and troubleshooting your weekly marketing workplan. Rubina provides a 30 minute training on a relevant marketing tactic or strategy that will be implemented and then we move into on the spot guidance, determine next steps for action, and troubleshoot if necessary. This is your time to get EXPERT advice on things you have been thinking of and support on anything you are stuck on. |
CO-WORKING SESSIONS (2 hrs each) Get into the GENIUS zone and join others who are working to implement what they learn. Every month our team will host 2 co-working sessions where we log into a virtual session. Our coordinator will share co-working agenda then send you off to get working! The host of the co-working sessions will keep time. GeniusZones are created to help program members to make time, prioritize, and implement what they learn in the program. It is also a great place to share your thoughts with other members of the program and get peer-to-peer support. |
TEMPLATES + HANDOUTS The GeniusMARK program is created, designed and delivered by Rubina Cohen and her expert staff, who have designed and created tools, templates, and handouts of marketing plans, press releases, social media plans, email drafts, online events, advertising, graphic design and so much more! We share our handouts and templates with you to make your life easier. If you ever need a template that is not already in our digital vault, just ask! We likely have something we've built already so you don't have to recreate the wheel and can move your marketing project along faster! |
Success Stories:
Zaiba Hasan of Mommying While Muslim Podcast embraced PR to create big momentum and growth for their podcast in just 3 months! |
Katherine Mortimer I GOT A CALL FOR WORK"..."I just got a call from the Sustainability Director for $10K contract work!!!!!!! |
$3,333.00 | 13 Week Program
Registration closes July 17
Ready to create a plan and take action?
Who this is for:
If you are a CEO/CMO, entrepreneur, marketing manager, development manager in a nonprofit that has marketing responsibilities, foundation communications staff, or you have any marketing, social media, public relations, communications responsibilities, then this program is for you...
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Are you unclear with your offerings, overwhelmed and not sure where to start?
We help you get clear, get unstuck and get you on track, quickly. |
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Not consistent and does your brand give off an unreliable vibe? We help you create systems and plans to get you consistent and KEEP YOU ACCOUNTABLE.
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Feeling like you have to do it all yourself?
You'll have the backing of a successful marketing agency and their expert staff to reach out to. |
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Want a cohort of people to bounce ideas off of and form collaborations with? The GeniusMark Program is a diverse group of people and professionals you can lean on.
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Need some collaborative worktime with other colleagues and peers to jumpstart your business and communications efforts?Join our monthly virtual GeniusZONES co-working sessions and knock out some BRILLIANT work with others doing the same.
[Click "join program" button to see available payment options]
$3,333.00 | 13 Week Program
Registration Closes June 17,2022
Ready to get this journey started? |
Do you need some clarity & more info? |
Rubina Cohen
Firefly Strategies CEO + Head Marketing StrategistRubina is an expert marketer who has helped numerous businesses and individuals develop and implement profit raising marketing strategies. From working with individuals to 7, 8 and 9 figure companies, organizations and foundations, her experience spans almost 2 decades, with 11 years as Firefly Strategies Founder, CEO, and Head Marketing Strategist.
She is the creator of the entrepreneurial community on Facebook called Illuminate COLLAB which supports entrepreneurs, creatives, marketing professionals to master their business and marketing growth skills while elevating their strategic outcomes. She is also a multiprenuer, in the midst of launching two new startups as well as the creator and producer of ILLUMIANTE TV - A show dedicated to highlighting the work of LUMINARIES on our planet that are working to create global impact. Rubina is also a Chopra Certified Meditation Teacher and passionate about applying mindfulness, metaphysical principles to marketing and communications. |
About Firefly Strategies Global
Firefly Strategies, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a full-service start-to-finish marketing agency, representing small businesses and non-profit organizations since 2008. We provide world-class Holistic marketing + PR strategies to generate tangible outcomes for your brand. Our formula for success lies in the diverse backgrounds of our small, savvy, and well-seasoned team of specialists, who are experts in communications, strategy, social media marketing, project management, public relations, and events. When you partner with Firefly, you have a powerful think-tank and a supportive team of talented professionals as an extension of your business.
Copyright © 2021| Firefly Strategies. All rights reserved.
photo credits: Genevieve Russell of | Tira Howard of |