Article by: Rubina Cohen
I read an article published online that claimed press releases are dead. I disagree, but the sentiment does speak to the current frustration of journalists and reporters. Publications receive hundreds—and depending on the publication, sometimes thousands—of press releases each day, marked “For IMMEDIATE Release.” How does a reporter decide out of hundreds which “immediate” release is worthy of publication? There are a few rules of the trade that I'll share with you. But, before we get into what a press release should look like and what you should write in a press release, let's talk about building relationships with journalists... shall we?
By: Rubina Cohen, CEO + Principal of Firefly Strategies Global
As I sit here contemplating the changes and direction we need to go as a company, and as I've completed a few marketing strategies and plans for clients, I see they have taken a new focus. Our plans and strategies are looking at human-centered outcomes rather than focused solely on profit driven ones. With that I am compelled to write and share today what I have been feeling for some time now, and that is that the marketing industry desperately needs an overhaul. Marketing is long overdue for a drastic overhaul, with brand new systems, principles and laws to help determine success, sustainability and well-being of companies and their customers. It's not just a gut feeling anymore, it feels absolutely and definitely time to re-examine the modus operandi of marketing and it about time we turn to and look at other models particularly those offered in nature, indigenous wisdom traditions, as well as biological and physics models, to re-design and create innovations in marketing. Today, Jey Bernal our Senior Marketing Manager at Firefly Strategies Global share 3 "out of the box" tips to elevate your social media and provides inspiration to create content for your channels next week. So, grab a notebook, something to write with and watch this video. Make sure to jot down all of your ideas and "aha" moments. Let us know if you need help with implementing ANY of your ideas. We are here to help! click here to book a free strategy session.By: Leo Acero | Website Specialist at Firefly Strategies Global
If you’re using your Squarespace site to sell—pretty much anything, you should be using their mobile app. It’s basically like having a super-powered website editor right in your pocket. Even better: this app makes it ridiculously easy to update your website, anytime, anywhere! By Adrienne Harvitz | Market Research Specialist for Firefly Strategies Global
When it comes to the world of communications, strategies must reflect the overarching trends of the time and those specific to the sector of the client or audience to which the messaging caters. In this short piece, we will take a look at the overall communications climate in the nonprofit sector at the dawn of 2021. By Myla Ashton | Marketing & PR Coordinator for Firefly Strategies Global
Whether you just started a business or have an established business, PR is crucial to any business's success. Marketing and PR go hand in hand, and to be successful, you must include both to help your business, but you do not always need a PR firm to help you. PR can help generate revenue and thousands of views from your target audience, and guess what, you can do it yourself! ![]() The year is almost over. For businesses and organizations, this means brainstorming new ideas for 2021. Before you jump into planning, I suggest you do a little thinking. When you THINK strategically, you ask yourself questions, and questions lead to ideas, solutions, and innovation. Take some time to reflect on the four key questions outlined below. These questions will help you examine and critique your marketing plan while allowing new ideas and strategies to emerge. Let's get started! In the spring of 2019, I was taking a much-needed hike with a good friend and I was going on about how I felt like nothing was going right for me. Even though I had just completed the 28 Day Marketing Challenge program with rave reviews and launched the Women Entrepreneurs Circle—not to mention my daughter was crazy fun—I was still feeling as though I was falling down a dark hole with no end in sight. I told her that this feeling of uncertainty and instability sparked anxiety and somehow managed to crush my self-confidence. Though I was doing so many great things and living a seemingly awesome life, I felt things were spiraling out of control and I was headed towards a slow doom.
![]() Businesses and nonprofits often ask me what they should focus on when it comes to marketing. That’s a great question; how you spend your time and energy is very important--but what goals and tasks should you prioritize? The answer depends on where you are in your marketing business, the size of your company or organization, who your target market is, and what you are selling. ALL of these factors have to be taken into consideration when figuring out your marketing plan. However, no matter what size you are, no matter what you sell or who your market is, there is one VITAL component that can make or break your marketing efforts and investment. You can have the best marketing channels and a huge budget, but if this ONE component is missing, your marketing strategies will fail. Here we are, the day before Thanksgiving, and on the cusp of the holiday season. During this time of year, I recommend businesses and nonprofits increase their communications. A well-crafted message, sent at just the right time, provides tremendous value to your community. Take a look at my earlier blog on discovering what’s valuable to your audience.
In my last post, I told you about 3 strategies you’ll need to execute to end the year on a high note. Today, I’ll tell you how to implement a successful fourth-quarter email campaign. |
July 2022
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