Okay...late-night blogging sessions have already lost their luster for me. Wait, I never did dig them very much! I'm going to have to make a change. I must say, writing when all other things are off your plate, does feel good. But, not getting enough sleep...this does NOT feel good. So how to address this dilemma? Which one has negative consequences in the short AND long term?
Lack of sleep is detrimental to your health. Your body does important rejuvenating work when you are sleeping. When you sleep less, you rejuvenate less. Eventually, this catches up with you. For some, the effects can take longer, but others suffer immediately...
![]() If the breakdown is inevitable and you just can't avoid it, (read about avoiding a breakdown by clicking here) find the immense opportunity in it. I know...when you are down, destroyed, and lying on the side of the road smoking (a reference to my car) there IS an opportunity. Don't roll your eyes. I know this sounds woo woo, but maybe Deepak can change your mind. Deepak Chopra, who I greatly admire, tells us, in every problem we face there is an opportunity that awaits. It's your choice, whether you seize it or not. To seize it, you must recognize that the opportunity exists. When you recognize the problem, you gain the chance to rebuild. Even in the wake of complete annihilation, you can pick yourself up, or even your business or your car up and start again... |
July 2022
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photo credits: Genevieve Russell of storyportraitmedia.com | Tira Howard of tirahowardphotography.com |